
Only 999 million Until A Billion……..

9. 09. 2014 Blog 3min

We are told to save a million before retirement.

We hear a million reasons why not to do something.

Our chances are often times one in a million.

And we wish that we ONLY had a million.

Whilst the naysayers regarding the relevance of one million may have Dr. Evil to back them up, we still think it is too early to consider one billion as the new million.

Here at Euro Jet we are proud to celebrate a million.

And we have a million reasons why!

Over the Summer, Euro Jet’s operations department surpassed the million mark for e-mails received…..and is well on its way to doubling that number in a much shorter period.

Over the span of six short years, the e-mail inbox at Euro Jet’s operations department has gone from a few hundred a day to several thousand.

Every minute dozens of e-mail pour into our operations center.I write this blog while watching a team through the glass at Euro Jet’s Prague Operations Center working at a rapid pace to successfully keep up with the constant flow of e-mails, phone calls, and whatever last minute item is thrown at them.

Our operations team is so fast to respond to e-mail and deal with all issues on a timely basis, that I am admittedly amazed at how they pull this off every minute, 24 hours a day.

Our customers certainly notice this too. When I go out and visit them, without fail they always remark how quickly Euro Jet responds to e-mails.

Test us! Or better yet, come visit to see for yourself. Plus I can give you a million reasons to come see Prague.

Usually it takes less than 3 minutes to get a response. I marvel at the speed that they can do this at, keep track of anything, and never miss the millions of items going on at once.

Back in the olden days when I worked as an inflight coordinator, blackberries were rare, wifi was unheard of, and laptops were too heavy to carry around.

We all had cell phones.

And those cell phones never stopped ringing!

Today they ring far less while e-mail has become the most prominent form of communication.

Technology keeps on changing. Remember the teletype, telegrams, this new technology called a fax, dial-in modems etc.

Technology is constantly evolving and the key is to keep up and stay ahead of the game. We do this with our e-mail responsiveness, social media, and website.

Last year we even introduced our own application that tracks minute-by-minute the ground operation of our flights. It has been hugely successful with our customers.

So what is next? Will Facebook keep growing? Will Twitter stay around so long? Will e-mail remain so we can hit a billion in no time?

Well I think I know and am happy to tell you.

But it will cost you…..a million dollars……but please...only e-mail me to find out.

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