Euro Jet Ground Support Services in Kukes, Albania

Euro Jet Ground Support Services in Kukes, Albania

21. 10. 2021 News 1min

Euro Jet is ready to support your flights at the newly opened Kukes International Airport (KFZ/LAKU) in Albania.

Kukes International Airport is located in north-east Albania, close to the Kosovo border. Kukes is a two-hour drive from Tirana, the capital of Albania.

Kukes Airport has one Main Terminal as there is currently no General Aviation Terminal. The airport plans to build a new VIP lounge for passengers on the second floor of the Main Terminal and works on adding more parking spaces dedicated to general aviation. The airport anticipates serving over 80,000 passengers on almost 700 flights in the remaining months of the year 2021.

Our operation at Kukes Airport is being led by our Albania Country Manager, Behare Hallaqi. Behare manages a team of highly experienced aviation professionals that are ready to oversee the coordination of all requested flight support services with the highest level of service.

This includes assisting with:

We look forward to supporting your flights to Kukes International Airport!

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